South Africa
Use credit the right way
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Credit health

Having a healthy credit score is essential if you want to borrow money to buy a house or a car, or to get a cellphone contract or open a clothing account.

Learn more about credit health
What is credit
What is credit?

Credit is an arrangement that lets you buy goods now and pay for them later. To get credit, you must be able to prove that you can pay back the amount you want to borrow.

Credit report
Credit report 101

A credit report helps to determine an individual's creditworthiness. Read more on good and bad credit, and what you need to avoid.

How to open an account
Building credit - What you need to know

Having a good credit record makes it more likely that a company will lend you money. It will also help you to get credit again in future (as long as you can afford it).

Credit report
How to improve your credit score

Did you know? It’s possible to have your application for a transaction account rejected if your credit record is in bad shape. However, with a bit of time and patience, you can improve your credit record and have a healthy credit status.

Pros and cons of debt counselling
Pros and cons of debt counselling

Sometimes people borrow more money than they can afford to pay back, and then they find themselves in financial trouble. Debt counselling can help, but there are pros and cons to consider.